Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hey Y'All


Does anyone else feel like the above phrase is over-used in blogland? Me too. I made a new blog and I promise to never say "y'all". It's called Lucy in the Real World and you can find it here: Why "Lucy"? Cuz that's my cover ID, duh.

And here is a picture I took of a bus. Peace.

Monday, December 8, 2008


First, thanks to everyone who completed my survey. I got enough responses to complete my project and I'm definitely going to ace it!

Second, I'm coming home Dec 17! I will *probably* be on the West Coast for about a month. I hope to see my friends, so let me know if you will be around and want to hang out!

Much love,


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I Need Your Help!

For my research methods class, I had to design a research project. The last stage in this process, since we are not actually carrying out the research, is to pilot our design. Because my final project includes several elements of research, I am only piloting one small part of it - a survey that is designed to measure the awareness and attitudes of students in regards to peer mediation.

It would help me out greatly if you would take my survey. Your answers are anonymous and will only be used for my final class project - they won't be published or otherwise reproduced.

Thanks in advance! The survey is short and should only take a few minutes. Click the link below to start!

Click Here to take survey

Monday, December 1, 2008

A Time to Be Thankful

Life has not been easy recently. Those of you who I have talked to know about my housing issues, current workload, joblessness, etc. But lately things have been looking up, and for this I am thankful. I had a wonderful Thanksgiving in New York City. Erica is coming home tomorrow and I am confident that a new apartment is in the near future. I have cheap plane tickets to take me home for Christmas. I found out that my student loans can be further deferred. And I just scheduled an interview with NPR for an internship with the Ombudsman. All good things. I don't have much more to write except to say thank you to everyone I love. See you soon, and enjoy the NYC pics!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Its a Lovely Night for an Exorcism

It's getting cold here, so Kat and I decided that it was now or never for tourism.

We started yesterday by going to the Mall and seeing the major monuments along the way. It was freezing, but a really nice walk. Afterwards, we went to Georgetown for shopping where I bought a new winter coat, hat, and scarf. Then we ate yummy fried green tomatoes at a resturant called Old Glory before heading over to the FAMOUS STAIRS.

Maybe you know the ones I'm talking about. They were featured throughout The Exorcist, especially at the end when the priest throws himself down all 97 steps after being possesed by a demon. I was going to put a clip of the scene on here, but youtube doesn't allow that one to be embedded.

Anyway, we took several chilling pictures (and some fun ones too!) in the lovely yellow light. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So I made a major change in my life last night. I dyed my hair. There are a few good things about this and a few not-so-good.

Good things:


2) It doesn't look crazy or bad and it matches my features

3) Now I'm not scared anymore!

Bad things:

1) It is way lighter than the picture on the box said it would be

2) It is so light that although I see a difference, no one has really even noticed :(

3) It is kind of anti-climactic

Judge for yourself:



So I guess that the change was more of an inside one than an outside one. I did it! But no one can tell.


So, I stole this from Sarah's blog. I really couldn't help myself. Really. Sorry for all the movies lately. Strike that. No I'm not. This one is so worth it.