Sunday, November 16, 2008

Whats a girl to do?

There were good times, once.

Like a few weeks ago at the Obama rally. That was fun.

Or even just a few days ago, looking forward to the end of Starbucks.


But now things are different. No more election fever. No more looking forward to the end of work. Even today, my last day at the coffee palace, was overshadowed by far more pressing problems.

Like the fact that I got kicked out of my house. And the fact that I feel like a loser because only losers get kicked out of their houses. And no one believes you when you say that you aren't a loser and that you really were wronged. Like, "No really, you must have deserved it".

I was thinking about this when I arrived home from work today and saw, to my dismay, that the internet cable on the outside of the house was cut. I feel pretty confident that my landlord did it. Yes, I am alleging that the terrible excuse for a person fell to a new low in the so-called "FIOS WARS" and has now cut me off from the world.

It could be worse. I could have boatloads of homework to do. I could owe the IRS $700 (and counting). I could have a zillion small things to do that together feel so immense that I can't get started on anything, instead retreating daily to the Post Crossword, competitive online scrabble, GFY archives, and sleep.

Wait. No. All those things are true.

And now I feel like an emo reject who blogs when she is feeling blue because she really just wants attention. But that's not the case. Really, it's just that I've already finished the crossword, played my games, and read the blogs. It just isn't time for bed yet.


Sar said...

Does anybody else think that post was oddly cryptic?!

I'm sorry about the housing situation (I'm still unsure why you got kicked out; they were probably jealous of your overshadowing intelligence); roommates suck.

I love you and miss you and will have to resort to posting my Christmas letter online since you can't receive one. Let me know.


Amanda said...

Not roommates, my friend. Landlords.

And isn't "landlord" a bizarre holdover from, I suppose, some long ago feudal time? The Lord of the Land. The Land Lord.

I hate it.

But I am looking forward to your Christmas letter.

Anonymous said...

Was it just YOU that got kicked out? Or were other roommates booted as well?

I'm really sorry you're going through some crappy times. I'm sure you'll get through, though.

Morgan said...

You got kicked out? Do you have another place to live? This poses a small problem for our plans for January..... I'll give you a call soon.